Source code for fileseq.filesequence

#! /usr/bin/env python
filesequence - A parsing object representing sequential files for fileseq.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from builtins import next
from builtins import filter
from builtins import str
from builtins import map
from builtins import object

import future.utils as futils
from future.utils import iteritems

import os
import re
import decimal
import functools
from glob import iglob
import operator

from fileseq.exceptions import ParseException, MaxSizeException, FileSeqException
from fileseq.constants import \
from fileseq.frameset import FrameSet
from fileseq import constants, utils

[docs]class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. Args: sequence (str): (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) Returns: :class:`FileSequence`: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If frame size exceeds ``fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`` """ DISK_RE = DISK_RE DISK_SUB_RE = DISK_SUB_RE PAD_MAP = PAD_MAP REVERSE_PAD_MAP = REVERSE_PAD_MAP SPLIT_RE = SPLIT_RE SPLIT_SUB_RE = SPLIT_SUB_RE def __init__(self, sequence, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """Init the class """ sequence = utils.asString(sequence) if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None if allow_subframes: split_re = self.SPLIT_SUB_RE disk_re = self.DISK_SUB_RE else: split_re = self.SPLIT_RE disk_re = self.DISK_RE try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = split_re.split(sequence, 1) self._frame_pad, _, self._subframe_pad = self._pad.partition('.') self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in self.PAD_MAP: if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {!r}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = disk_re.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: frame_num, _, subframe_num = frames.partition('.') self._frame_pad = self.getPaddingChars(len(frame_num), pad_style=pad_style) if subframe_num: self._subframe_pad = self.getPaddingChars(len(subframe_num), pad_style=pad_style) self._pad = '.'.join([self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._subframe_pad = '' else: self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' if self._dir: self.setDirname(self._dir) self._pad_style = pad_style self._zfill = self.getPaddingNum(self._frame_pad, pad_style=pad_style) self._decimal_places = self.getPaddingNum(self._subframe_pad, pad_style=pad_style) # Round subframes to match sequence if self._frameSet is not None and self._frameSet.hasSubFrames(): self._frameSet = FrameSet([ utils.quantize(frame, self._decimal_places) for frame in self._frameSet ])
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a deep copy of this sequence Returns: :class:`.FileSequence`: """ fs = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) fs.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() fs._frameSet = None if self._frameSet is not None: fs._frameSet = self._frameSet.copy() return fs
[docs] def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * range - the range of the sequence * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. If asking for the inverted range value, and the new inverted range exceeded ``fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE``, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be raised. Args: template (str): Returns: str: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If frame size exceeds `fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`` """ try: return self._format(template) except UnicodeEncodeError: return self._format(futils.text_type(template))
def _format(self, template): # Potentially expensive if inverted range is large # and user never asked for it in template inverted = (self.invertedFrameRange() or "") if "{inverted}" in template else "" return template.format( basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=inverted, dirname=self.dirname())
[docs] def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. Returns: list[:class:`FileSequence`]: """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append(self.__class__(''.join( (self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result
[docs] def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. Returns: str: """ return self._dir
[docs] def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. Args: dirname (str): the new directory name """ # Make sure the dirname always ends in # a path separator character dirname = utils.asString(dirname) sep = utils._getPathSep(dirname) if not dirname.endswith(sep): dirname = futils.native_str(dirname) + sep self._dir = dirname
[docs] def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. Returns: str: sequence basename """ return self._base
[docs] def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. Args: base (str): the new base name """ self._base = utils.asString(base)
[docs] def padStyle(self): """ Return the the padding style of the sequence. See fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH1 and fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH4 Returns: (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style """ return self._pad_style
[docs] def setPadStyle(self, pad_style): """ Set new padding style for the sequence. See fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH1 and fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH4 Args: pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style to set """ self._pad_style = pad_style self._frame_pad = self.getPaddingChars(self._zfill, pad_style=pad_style) if self._decimal_places: self._subframe_pad = self.getPaddingChars( self._decimal_places, pad_style=self._pad_style ) self._pad = '.'.join([self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._subframe_pad = ''
[docs] def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. Returns: str: sequence padding """ return self._pad
[docs] def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. Args: padding (str): sequence padding to set """ self._pad = padding self._frame_pad, _, self._subframe_pad = self._pad.partition('.') self._zfill = self.getPaddingNum(self._frame_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style) self._decimal_places = self.getPaddingNum(self._subframe_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style)
[docs] def framePadding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. Returns: str: sequence padding """ return self._frame_pad
[docs] def setFramePadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the frames of the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. Args: padding (str): sequence padding to set """ self._frame_pad = padding if self._subframe_pad: self._pad = '.'.join([self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._zfill = self.getPaddingNum(self._frame_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style)
[docs] def subframePadding(self): """ Return the the padding characters for subframes in the sequence. Returns: str: sequence padding """ return self._subframe_pad
[docs] def setSubframePadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the subframes in the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@", or an empty string to disable range formatting. Args: padding (str): sequence padding to set """ self._subframe_pad = padding if self._subframe_pad: self._pad = '.'.join([self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._decimal_places = self.getPaddingNum(self._subframe_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style)
[docs] def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. Returns: :class:`.FrameSet` or None: """ return self._frameSet
[docs] def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`.FrameSet` for the sequence. Args: frameSet (:class:`.FrameSet`): the new :class:`.FrameSet` object """ if frameSet is not None and frameSet.hasSubFrames(): if all(isinstance(frame, decimal.Decimal) for frame in frameSet): frameSet = FrameSet([ utils.quantize(frame, self._decimal_places) for frame in frameSet ]) self._frameSet = frameSet
[docs] def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. Returns: str: """ return self._ext
[docs] def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. Note: A leading period will be added if none is provided. Args: ext (str): the new file extension """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = utils.asString(ext)
[docs] def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. Args: ext (str): """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext)
[docs] def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: str: """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill, self._decimal_places)
[docs] def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. Args: frange (str): a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`.FrameSet` """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange)
[docs] def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern, or the frame range includes subframes. Returns: str: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If new inverted range exceeded ``fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`` """ if not self._frameSet or self._frameSet.hasSubFrames(): return '' return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill)
[docs] def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start()
[docs] def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end()
[docs] def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). Returns: int: """ return self._zfill
[docs] def decimalPlaces(self): """ Returns the number of decimal places to output. Returns: int or None: """ return self._decimal_places
[docs] def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path for the given frame in the sequence. Numeric values or numeric strings are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. Examples: >>> seq = FileSequence('/foo/bar.1-10#.exr') >>> seq.frame(1) '/foo/bar.0001.exr' >>> seq.frame("#") '/foo/bar.#.exr' Args: frame (int, float, decimal.Decimal or str): the desired frame number or a char to pass through (ie. #) Returns: str: """ if self._zfill == 0: # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID zframe = "" else: zframe = None if not isinstance(frame, futils.integer_types + (float, decimal.Decimal)): try: frame = int(frame) except ValueError: try: frame = decimal.Decimal(frame) except decimal.DecimalException: zframe = frame if zframe is None: zframe = utils.pad(frame, self._zfill, self._decimal_places) return futils.native_str("".join((self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext)))
[docs] def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. Args: idx (int): the desired index Returns: str: """ return self.__getitem__(idx)
def __setstate__(self, state): """ Allows for de-serialization from a pickled :class:`FileSequence`. Args: state (dict): Pickle dictionary produced by default pickle implementation """ for name, value in state.items(): self.__dict__[name] = value self.__dict__.setdefault('_pad_style', PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT) self.__dict__.setdefault('_frame_pad', self._pad) self.__dict__.setdefault('_subframe_pad', '') self.__dict__.setdefault('_decimal_places', 0)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert sequence object into a state dict that is suitable for further serialization, such as to JSON Returns: dict: state of the current sequence object """ state = self.__dict__.copy() state['_pad_style'] = str(self._pad_style) state['_frameSet'] = self._frameSet.__getstate__() return state
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, state): """ Constructor to create a new sequence object from a state that was previously returned by :meth:`FileSequence.to_dict` Args: state (dict): state returned from :meth:`FileSequence.to_dict` Returns: :obj:`FileSequence` """ state = state.copy() frameSet = FrameSet.__new__(FrameSet) frameSet.__setstate__(tuple(state['_frameSet'])) padStyle = constants._PadStyle(state['_pad_style']) if padStyle not in REVERSE_PAD_MAP: raise ValueError("bad pad style constant value %r" % padStyle) state['_pad_style'] = padStyle state['_frameSet'] = frameSet fs = cls.__new__(cls) fs.__setstate__(state) return fs
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. Yields: :class:`FileSequence`: """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield utils.asString(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows indexing and slicing into the underlying :class:`.FrameSet` When indexing, a string filepath is returns for the frame. When slicing, a new :class:`FileSequence` is returned. Slicing outside the range of the sequence results in an IndexError Args: idx (int or slice): the desired index Returns: str or :obj:`FileSequence`: Raises: :class:`IndexError`: If slice is outside the range of the sequence """ if not self._frameSet: return futils.native_str(self) frames = self._frameSet[idx] if not hasattr(idx, 'start'): return self.frame(frames) fset = FrameSet(frames) if fset.is_null: raise IndexError("slice is out of range and returns no frames") fs = self.copy() fs.setFrameSet(fset) return fs
[docs] def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet)
def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. Returns: str: """ frameSet = utils.asString(self._frameSet or "") parts = [ self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext, ] if futils.PY2: for i, part in enumerate(parts): if isinstance(part, futils.text_type): parts[i] = futils.native(part.encode(utils.FILESYSTEM_ENCODING)) return "".join(parts) def __repr__(self): try: return "<%s: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__()) except TypeError: return super(self.__class__, self).__repr__() def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def __ne__(self, other): return str(self) != str(other) def __hash__(self): # TODO: Technically we should be returning None, # as this class is mutable and cannot reliably be hashed. # Python2 allows it without this definition. # Python3 fails with TypeError: unhashable. # For now, preserving the hashing behaviour in py3. return id(self)
[docs] @classmethod def yield_sequences_in_list( cls, paths, using=None, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False ): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. A template :obj:`FileSequence` object can also be provided via the ``using`` parameter. Given this template, the dirname, basename, and extension values will be used to extract the frame value from the paths instead of parsing each path from scratch. Examples: The ``using`` field can supply a template for extracting the frame component from the paths:: paths = [ '/dir/file_001.0001.ext', '/dir/file_002.0001.ext', '/dir/file_003.0001.ext', ] template = FileSequence('/dir/file_#.0001.ext') seqs = FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths, using) # [<FileSequence: '/dir/file_1-3@@@.0001.ext'>] Args: paths (list[str]): a list of paths using (:obj:`FileSequence`): Optional sequence to use as template pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Yields: :obj:`FileSequence`: """ seqs = {} if allow_subframes: _check = cls.DISK_SUB_RE.match else: _check = cls.DISK_RE.match using_template = isinstance(using, FileSequence) if using_template: dirname, basename, ext = using.dirname(), using.basename(), using.extension() head = len(dirname + basename) tail = -len(ext) frames = set() for path in filter(None, map(utils.asString, paths)): frame = path[head:tail] try: int(frame) except ValueError: if not allow_subframes: continue try: decimal.Decimal(frame) except decimal.DecimalException: continue _, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") key = (dirname, basename, ext, len(subframe)) seqs.setdefault(key, frames).add(frame) else: for match in filter(None, map(_check, map(utils.asString, paths))): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue if frame: _, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") key = (dirname, basename, ext, len(subframe)) else: key = (dirname, basename, ext, 0) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) def start_new_seq(): seq = cls.__new__(cls) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' return seq def finish_new_seq(seq): if seq._subframe_pad: seq._pad = '.'.join([seq._frame_pad, seq._subframe_pad]) else: seq._pad = seq._frame_pad seq.__init__(utils.asString(seq), pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes) def get_frame_width(frame_str): frame_num, _, _ = frame_str.partition(".") return len(frame_num) def get_frame_minwidth(frame_str): # find the smallest padding width for a frame string frame_num, _, _ = frame_str.partition(".") size = len(frame_num) num = int(frame_num) num_size = len(str(num)) if size == num_size: return 1 return size def frames_to_seq(frames, pad_length, decimal_places): seq = start_new_seq() seq._frameSet = FrameSet(sorted(decimal.Decimal(f) for f in frames)) seq._frame_pad = cls.getPaddingChars(pad_length, pad_style=pad_style) if decimal_places: seq._subframe_pad = cls.getPaddingChars(decimal_places, pad_style=pad_style) else: seq._subframe_pad = '' finish_new_seq(seq) return seq for (dirname, basename, ext, decimal_places), frames in iteritems(seqs): # Short-circuit logic if we do not have multiple frames, since we # only need to build and return a single simple sequence if not frames: seq = start_new_seq() seq._frameSet = None seq._frame_pad = '' seq._subframe_pad = '' finish_new_seq(seq) yield seq continue # If we have multiple frames, then we need to check them for different # padding and possibly yield more than one sequence. # sort the frame list by their string padding width sorted_frames = sorted(((get_frame_width(f), f) for f in frames), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) current_frames = [] current_width = None for width, frame in sorted_frames: # initialize on first item if current_width is None: current_width = width if width != current_width and get_frame_minwidth(frame) > current_width: # We have a new padding length. # Commit the current sequence, and then start a new one. yield frames_to_seq(current_frames, current_width, decimal_places) # Start tracking the next group of frames using the new length current_frames = [frame] current_width = width continue current_frames.append(frame) # Commit the remaining frames as a sequence if current_frames: yield frames_to_seq(current_frames, current_width, decimal_places)
[docs] @classmethod def findSequencesInList(cls, paths, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. Args: paths (list[str]): a list of paths pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Returns: list: """ return list( cls.yield_sequences_in_list(paths, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes) )
[docs] @classmethod def findSequencesOnDisk( cls, pattern, include_hidden=False, strictPadding=False, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False ): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. Examples:: FileSequence.findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files') The `pattern` can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following: * ``?`` - 1 wildcard character * ``*`` - 1 or more wildcard character * ``{foo,bar}`` - either 'foo' or 'bar' Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to wildcards (``#`` or ``@``) Examples:: FileSequence.findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/image_stereo_{left,right}.#.jpg') FileSequence.findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True) Args: pattern (str): directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory include_hidden (bool): if true, show .hidden files as well strictPadding (bool): if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Returns: list: """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.') _match_pattern = None _filter_padding = None _join = os.path.join seq = None dirpath = pattern # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files # in the existing directory if not os.path.isdir(pattern): dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern) if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): return [] # Start building a regex for filtering files seq = cls(filepat, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes) patt = r'\A' patt += cls._globCharsToRegex(seq.basename()) if seq.padding(): patt += '(' if seq.framePadding(): patt += r'\d+' if seq.subframePadding(): patt += r'\.\d+' patt += ')' if seq.extension(): patt += cls._globCharsToRegex(seq.extension()) # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt) for match in reversed(list(matches)): i, j = match.span() regex = '(?:%s)' % '|'.join([m.strip() for m in match.groups()]) patt = "".join((patt[0:i], regex, patt[j:])) patt += r'\Z' try: _match_pattern = re.compile(patt).match except re.error: msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {!r}'.format(filepat) raise FileSeqException(msg) if seq.padding() and strictPadding: get_frame = lambda f: _match_pattern(f).group(1) _filter_padding = functools.partial( cls._filterByPaddingNum, zfill=seq.zfill(), decimal_places=seq.decimalPlaces(), get_frame=get_frame ) # Get just the immediate files under the dir. # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as # a second step. ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None) files = ret[-1] if ret else [] # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex if not include_hidden: files = filter(_not_hidden, files) # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern if _match_pattern: files = filter(_match_pattern, files) # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern if _filter_padding: # returns a generator files = _filter_padding(files) # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so # that we can control which sep is used during the # os.path.join sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath) if not dirpath.endswith(sep): dirpath += sep files = [_join(dirpath, f) for f in files] seqs = list( cls.yield_sequences_in_list(files, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes) ) if _filter_padding and seq: frame_pad = cls.conformPadding(seq.framePadding(), pad_style=pad_style) subframe_pad = cls.conformPadding(seq.subframePadding(), pad_style=pad_style) # strict padding should preserve the original padding # characters in the found sequences. for s in seqs: s.setFramePadding(frame_pad) s.setSubframePadding(subframe_pad) return seqs
[docs] @classmethod def findSequenceOnDisk( cls, pattern, strictPadding=False, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False ): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. The padding characters used in the `pattern` are used to filter the frame values of the files on disk (if `strictPadding` is True). Examples: Find sequence matching basename and extension, and a wildcard for any frame. returns bar.1.exr bar.10.exr, bar.100.exr, bar.1000.exr, inclusive ``FileSequence.findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar@@@@.exr")`` Find exactly 4-padded sequence, i.e. seq/bar1-100#.exr returns only frames bar1000.exr through bar9999.exr ``FileSequence.findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr", strictPadding=True)`` Args: pattern (str): the sequence pattern being searched for strictPadding (bool): if True, ignore files with padding length different from `pattern` pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Returns: str: Raises: :class:`.FileSeqException`: if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = cls(pattern, allow_subframes=allow_subframes, pad_style=pad_style) if seq.frameRange() == '' and seq.padding() == '': if os.path.isfile(pattern): return seq patt = seq.format('{dirname}{basename}*{extension}') dirname = seq.dirname() basename = seq.basename() ext = seq.extension() pad = seq.padding() frame_pad = seq.framePadding() subframe_pad = seq.subframePadding() globbed = iglob(patt) if pad: patt = r'\A' if dirname: patt = r'.*[/\\]' patt += re.escape(basename) + '(.*)' + re.escape(ext) + r'\Z' get_frame = lambda f: re.match(patt, f).group(1) if strictPadding: globbed = cls._filterByPaddingNum( globbed, seq.zfill(), decimal_places=seq.decimalPlaces(), get_frame=get_frame ) frame_pad = cls.conformPadding(frame_pad, pad_style=pad_style) subframe_pad = cls.conformPadding(subframe_pad, pad_style=pad_style) else: globbed = cls._filterByPaddingNum( globbed, None, decimal_places=seq.decimalPlaces(), get_frame=get_frame ) sequences = [] allow_subframes = bool(seq.decimalPlaces()) for match in cls.yield_sequences_in_list( globbed, using=seq, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes ): if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: if pad and strictPadding: match.setFramePadding(frame_pad) match.setSubframePadding(subframe_pad) sequences.append(match) if len(sequences) == 1: return sequences[0] elif not sequences: msg = 'no sequence found on disk matching {0}' else: msg = 'multiple sequences found on disk matching {0}' raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern))
@staticmethod def _globCharsToRegex(filename): """ Translate single character elements of a shell pattern to make suitable for a regular expression pattern Args: filename (str): filename containing shell pattern to convert Returns: str: """ filename = filename.replace('.', r'\.') filename = filename.replace('*', '.*') filename = filename.replace('?', '.') return filename @classmethod def _filterByPaddingNum(cls, iterable, zfill, decimal_places=0, get_frame=None): """ Yield only path elements from iterable which have a frame padding that matches the given target padding numbers. If zfill is None only the subframe length is matched against decimal places. If provided get_frame should be a callable taking one argument that will extract the frame number from a filename. Args: iterable (collections.Iterable): zfill (int or None): decimal_places (int): get_frame (callable): Yields: str: """ if decimal_places == 0: _check = cls.DISK_RE.match else: _check = cls.DISK_SUB_RE.match for item in iterable: # Add a filter for paths that don't match the frame # padding of a given number matches = _check(item) if not matches: if zfill is None or zfill <= 0: # Not a sequence pattern, but we were asked # to match on a zero padding yield item continue # Ensure DISK_RE matches before calling optional get_frame function frame = or '' if frame and get_frame is not None: frame = get_frame(item) or '' if not frame: if zfill is None or zfill <= 0: # No frame value was parsed, but we were asked # to match on a zero padding yield item continue # We have a frame number frame, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") if len(subframe) != decimal_places: continue if zfill is None: yield item continue if frame[0] == '0' or frame[:2] == '-0': if len(frame) == zfill: # A frame leading with '0' is explicitly # padded and can only be a match if its exactly # the target padding number yield item continue if len(frame) >= zfill: # A frame that does not lead with '0' can match # a padding width >= to the target padding number yield item continue
[docs] @classmethod def getPaddingChars(cls, num, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. Args: num (int): required width of string with padding pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style Returns: str: """ num = max(1, num) reverse_pad_map = cls.REVERSE_PAD_MAP[pad_style] # Find the widest padding character that can be used alone for width in sorted(reverse_pad_map, reverse=True): if num % width == 0: return reverse_pad_map[width] * (num // width) # Should never reach here as all styles should have an entry for width 1 raise FileSeqException('REVERSE_PAD_MAP missing pad character for width 1')
[docs] @classmethod def getPaddingNum(cls, chars, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. Args: chars (str): a supported group of padding characters pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style Returns: int: Raises: ValueError: if unsupported padding character is detected """ if not chars: return 0 match = PRINTF_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match(chars) or HOUDINI_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match(chars) if match: paddingNumStr = paddingNum = int(paddingNumStr) if paddingNumStr else 1 return max(paddingNum, 1) try: rval = 0 for char in chars: rval += cls.PAD_MAP[char][pad_style] return rval except KeyError: msg = "Detected an unsupported padding character: \"{}\"." msg += " Supported padding characters: {} or printf syntax padding" msg += " %<int>d" raise ValueError(msg.format(char, utils.asString(list(cls.PAD_MAP))))
[docs] @classmethod def conformPadding(cls, chars, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT): """ Ensure alternate input padding formats are conformed to formats defined in PAD_MAP If chars is already a format defined in PAD_MAP, then it is returned unmodified. Example:: '#' -> '#' '@@@@' -> '@@@@' '%04d' -> '#' Args: chars (str): input padding chars pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style Returns: str: conformed padding chars Raises: ValueError: If chars contains invalid padding characters """ pad = chars if pad and pad[0] not in cls.PAD_MAP: num = cls.getPaddingNum(pad, pad_style=pad_style) pad = cls.getPaddingChars(num, pad_style=pad_style) return pad